In this guide I first review the intuition of Monte Carlo methods, and then discuss five steps to efficient, publication-quality Monte Carlo analyses using R. Generally, these steps consist of:
First, I will walk through each of these five points with toy examples to drive ideas home where applicable. Finally, I will take all of this and put it together in some more serious applications.
Note that this guide applies mostly to the case of trivial parallelism, i.e., simulations that are independent of each other. However, some concepts can be extended to dependent simulations, particularly in MCMC algorithms that rely on full-conditionals. Where this is the case, I note it in the Caveats subsection of a topic.
The goal of Monte Carlo analysis is to investigate the behavior of a statistic using an approximation of its sampling distribution. All of Monte Carlo analysis then hinges on a Law of Large numbers. These laws effectively state that the sample mean of a random variable converges to its population mean, i.e., that the sample mean is a consistent estimator. With that idea in mind, we can also compute a whole host of other interesting quantities, such as the variance, the density function, or the quantile function, because all of these can be re-written as a sample mean of a random variable. Without any math, this is the primary intuition of Monte Carlo analysis: many of the quantities that we are interested in can be expressed as a sample mean of a random variable, so we know they converge to the true value of the quantity of interest due to a law of large numbers.
For example \[ \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i = \mu_x \] meaning that the sample mean converges to the population mean as the sample size tends to infinity. However, as the bold text above indicates, a whole host of other quantities converge to their true expected values, for example:
The variance:1 \[\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - \bar X)^2 \longrightarrow \mathrm{var}(X)\]
The CDF: \[\hat F(x) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \underset{(-\infty, x]}{\mathbb{I}}(X_i) \longrightarrow F_X(x)\]
The density function (using kernel \(K\) and bandwidth \(h\)):2 \[\hat f(x) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{h} K\left(\frac{x - X_i}{h}\right) \longrightarrow f_X(x)\]
The quantile function:3 \[\hat Q\{\hat F(x)\} = \text{inf}\left\{x:\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\underset{(-\infty, x]}{\mathbb{I}}(X_i) \geq \alpha)\right\} \longrightarrow \text{inf}\{x: F_X(x) \geq \alpha\}\]
So effectively we can simulate random variables, compute some function of those realizations, then take the mean of the resulting quantity, and the WLLN tells us that we converge to the expected value of that function.
To prove the WLLN, we will need a a few pieces of background information, namely Markov’s Inequality (used only to prove Chebyshev’s), Chebyshev’s inequality, and the definition of convergence in probability (note that all of this information can also be found in most math-stat textbooks, or on Wikipedia).
Markov’s Inequality: Let \(X\) be a random variable with support over the non-negative real line, i.e., \(\Pr(X \geq 0) = 1\). Then for every number \(c > 0\), \(\,\,\Pr(X \geq c) \leq \frac{\mathbb{E}(X)}{c}\).
Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let \(X\) be a random variable with finite first and second moments, \(\mu_X < \infty\) and \(\sigma^2_X < \infty\) respectively. Then for all numbers \(c > 0\), \(\,\, \Pr(|X - \mu_X| \geq c) \leq \frac{\sigma^2_X}{c^2}\)
Let \(Y = (X - \mu_X)^2\) and \(c^2 = k\), then:
\(\Pr(|X - \mu_X| \geq c) = \Pr\left[(X-\mu_X)^2 \geq c^2\right] = \Pr(Y \geq k)\), and
\(\mathbb{E}(Y) = \mathbb{E}\left[(X - \mu_X)^2\right] = \sigma^2_X\) by definition.
Then by Markov’s Inequality, we have: \[\Pr(|X - \mu_X| \geq c) = \Pr(Y \geq k) \leq \frac{\mathbb{E}(Y)}{k} = \frac{\sigma^2_X}{c^2}\]
The WLLN then states that
\[\begin{equation*}\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i \overset{p}{\longrightarrow} \mu_X \end{equation*}\]
which can be generalized to functions \(g\) of \(X\):
\[\begin{equation*} \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n g(X_i) \overset{p}\longrightarrow \mathbb{E}[g(X_n)] = \int_{X} g(x) \,\, \mathrm dF_X(x) \end{equation*}\]
for random variables \(X_i \overset{iid}{\sim} f_X, \,\, i\in 1,2,...,n\), and (almost) any function \(g\). This effectively says that the sample average of nearly any function of the data converges in probability to the true expected value.
This is proven using Chebyshevs inquality. First, by the linearity of expectation, we know that \(\mathbb{E}(\bar X) = \mu_X\) and \(\mathrm{var}(\bar X) = \sigma^2_X/n\). Then,
\[\begin{align*} \Pr(|\bar X - \mu_X| \geq \varepsilon) &\leq \frac{\sigma^2_X}{n\varepsilon^2} \\[1ex] \implies \lim_{n\to\infty} \Pr(|\bar X - \mu_X| \geq \varepsilon) &\leq \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\sigma^2_X}{n\varepsilon^2} \\[1em] &= 0 \end{align*}\] where this last equality follows because \(0 \leq \lim_{n\to\infty} \Pr(|\bar X - \mu_X| \geq \varepsilon) \leq 0\) by the definition of a density function for the lower bound, which concludes the proof.
As implied by the review of Monte Carlo analysis, simulations will involve a great number of iterations in order to obtain a sufficiently large sample to be averaged over, such that the error in our approximation is small (as we’ll never actually have infinite simulations). Unfortunately, R is single-threaded by default, meaning everything that you do in R is executed on a single CPU on your computer. So even if you have a quad-core processor that has 8 CPUs due to multi-threading, only one of these 8 potential processes is being used by R by default. However, given the fact that we’ll be doing a lot of simulation iterations, most Monte Carlo analyses would theoretically benefit from being able to compute quantities simultaneously: if we want to compute a bunch of sample means that are independent of eachother, then why not compute 8 means at a time, rather than one at a time? Naturally then, implementing Monte Carlo analyses in parallel will be the first step to obtaining results efficiently. There are exceptions to this rule (e.g., reserving computing resources for other tasks, parallel overhead making things slower), but if the reason you are not using parallel processing is simply because you do not know how, then I’ll walk you through a few approaches here.
For going parallel in R, there are essentially two options:
Using foreach
loops, which are similar, yet distinct
from the typical for
Using the parallelized apply
family of functions,
e.g., parLapply
, parApply
, and
I’ve used both approaches extensively (in the past I only used the
approach), and strongly prefer the
approach at this point for a few reasons:
It tends to be more intuitive as its similar to for
loops in appearance
Tends to be easier to debug (in my opinion)
Doesn’t require nested function calls for complicated simulations
Permits nested parallel looping
Can be more memory efficient
For these reasons, I won’t be covering the apply
family of functions here. I may eventually extend the
principles and examples below to the apply
family, but for
now we’ll focus on foreach
and for
Before diving in, note that this is only a quick introduction to
. We’ll go over how it differs from for
loops and some of the key arguments, but if you want to learn more, I
highly recommend taking a look at its vignette.
If you’re more of a DataCamp or otherwise type of person, there is an
entire course on parallel
processing in R available through them (I am not affiliated with
DataCamp, nor do I receive anything from them for linking this). There
are also more in-depth resources on parallel processing in R available
and here,
although Googling around will definitely yield droves of additional
To see how foreach
works, its useful to compare and
contrast it with a typical for
loop. Suppose we just wanted
to add 1 to each element in a vector, and for some reason we did this
using a for loop in R (rather than leveraging vectorization). We might
write the following:
### for loop
vec = seq(1, 5)
out_for = vector()
for(i in seq_along(vec))
out_for[i] = vec[i] + 1
## [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Then, using the foreach
package, an equivalent loop
could be written like so:
### foreach
vec = seq(1, 5)
out_foreach =
foreach(i = seq_along(vec),
.combine = "c"
) %do% {
return(vec[i] + 1)
## [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Despite having a somewhat similar appearance to the for
loop, foreach
loops are different because they are
functions, while for
loops are not.
In fact, foreach
loops are composed of at least two
functions, and one expression
-class object:
The first function is a bit obvious, its a call to
The second function is actually the infix
function, %do%
, or as we’ll see later,
or %dorng%
The expression
-class object is the loop code inside
the curly braces {...}
, and can be thought of as a string
for our purposes.
We’ll start with (2), the %do%
infix function. Notice
its similar appearance to the matrix multiplication operator,
. Just as the %*%
matrix multiplication
operator takes its arguments on either side, so does the
or %dopar%
operator (or any other
arbitrary infix function). Thus, we can conclude that the call
to foreach(...)
on the left-hand side, and the set of loop
instructions on the right-hand side between the curly braces
are both arguments to the %do%
Moving to the call to foreach(...)
on the left-hand side
of %do%
, we’ve just learned that this function (or rather,
the return value of this function) is an argument to the
operator. Its reasonable to ask what the
function returns, then, as its return value is an
input to another function. Lets take a look:
## List of 11
## $ args : language (1:3)()
## $ argnames : chr "i"
## $ evalenv :<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
## $ specified : chr(0)
## $ combineInfo :List of 7
## ..$ fun :function (a, ...)
## ..$ in.order : logi TRUE
## ..$ has.init : logi TRUE
## ..$ init : language list()
## ..$ final : NULL
## ..$ multi.combine: logi TRUE
## ..$ max.combine : num 100
## $ errorHandling: chr "stop"
## $ packages : NULL
## $ export : NULL
## $ noexport : NULL
## $ options : list()
## $ verbose : logi FALSE
## - attr(*, "class")= chr "foreach"
So foreach()
returns a list, with a whole bunch of named
elements. We’ll touch on some of these later on, but for now you can
roughly think of foreach()
as being the same as the serial
case when we call for(i in something)
: it is creating an
object to be iterated over. In reality things are a bit more complicated
than that, but the details are not too important here. It is enough to
know that foreach()
is a function, and it returns an object
that is in some way useful for iterating and executing a loop in
parallel. The results of calling this foreach(...)
are then used as the inputs on the left-hand side of
Finally, on the right-hand side of %do%
we have an
-class object, which can just be thought of as
our loop code. But, because these instructions will be executed on
several CPUs simultaneously, we need to send them off to each core
first, and then execute the instructions and return their
collective results. This is why foreach
loops are actually
function calls, because they have to send off a set of instructions in a
unified way to several child processes for execution, keep track of that
execution, combine the results, and return them in a sensible way. In
contrast, for
loops are running on a single process, so the
instructions can just be executed on that process in real-time.
If any of this is confusing, the main takeaway is that
loops are actually functions. Since functions have
a return
value, we stored the results in the
object, and gave the foreach
an explicit return()
call at the end. This is because we
send off our code to several R processes, and each process needs to know
what to be working on, and what to return.
Run in ParallelNow that you have the basics of how foreach
differ, we can move on to making things work in
parallel. The above toy example is in fact running serially in both the
and for
loops. However, to make the
loop run in parallel requires trivial alterations
to the code above:
Tell R how many cores to use. This should be one less than the max if using R-studio, so that R-studio still has resources to run.
Create a cluster and register it as a parallel back-end using the
Change %do%
to %dopar%
(though later
we’ll see that a better alternative is actually
Shut down the parallel backend (this is extremely important for PC longevity).
Using the same example from the previous section of adding 1 to each element of a vector, each of these steps for going parallel is implemented in the code below.
### 0. Need the doParallel package for this
### 1. Tell number of cores to use (one less than max, if using Rstudio)
ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
### 2. Create cluster, and register parallel backend
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
### 3. Change `%do%` to `%dopar%`
out_foreach = foreach(i = seq_along(vec),
.combine = "c"
) %dopar% {
return(vec[i] + 1)
### 4.shut down the cluster DONT FORGET THIS
ParametersAlthough this is certainly not a guide on the foreach
package (see the previous
links for more detail on the package), there are a few parameters
worth discussing here.
— This is a function that tells
how to combine the results, e.g.,
, c
(for concatenate), rbind
etc. (or some custom function). I typically leave this
, which returns the results in a list. I do this
because combining results takes time, and I don’t necessarily want to
take that time immediately after simulations complete.
— A logical value that indicates whether
the results should be combined in the order they were submitted to the
workers. I always set this to FALSE
because I don’t care
about the ordering, I just want my results as fast as possible.
NOTE: the default is TRUE
, meaning you combine in
order by default.
— Logical value indicating whether the
function can take more than 2 arguments. For most
conventional functions, e.g., list
, cbind
, c
, this should be TRUE
This matters because if the .combine
function has more than
2 arguments, then the
function can be used to call
it on a list, which will tend to be faster than running a loop to
combine results iteratively. Essentially, be sure to set this to
if using the conventional functions listed
— This tells foreach
many sets of results to combine at one time. The default is 100 results
at a time, which is going to be painfully slow for any modest set of
Monte Carlo results. I tend to set this to the total number of expected
results, meaning that foreach
should combine them all at
once. With modern hardware this shouldn’t be too problematic, but I
stand to be corrected.
— Tells how to handle errors on each
thread. When I’m debugging, I typically set this to "stop"
so that errors kill the simulations. However, once I know there are no
issues, I set this to "pass"
so that errors are ignored,
but their message is kept in the results. For complicated problems this
is useful because there are instances where an algorithm may not
converge due to random chance in the data generating process. But, we
don’t want to kill all simulations when that happens, we want to just
keep going but know that for that particular iteration the algorithm did
not converge.
— This tells foreach
packages to export to each parallel process. Remember,
spins up a separate instance of R on each core, so
we have to tell these cores what packages to load. We do so using the
— This tells foreach
objects from the global environment to export to each process. Again,
because separate instances of R are created, we need to ensure that each
process has access to all the relevant objects. Note:
This is less relevant when using a FORK
cluster, as
detailed in the next section.
?When spinning up a parallel cluster, e.g., using
as we did previously, there is a
parameter that controls the type of cluster that we
create, which is one of either "FORK"
. The default is "PSOCK"
, but this can
be set, e.g. by calling
makeCluster(your_cluster_object, type = "FORK")
The details on each cluster type are as follows:
— This type of cluster duplicates the master
process on each child process, but allows them all to access the same
shared global environment from the master process. Think of the master
process as the process that you are interacting with in R where you type
your code. So, multiple R processes are spawned on your cores, but they
all access the same single global environment. This minimizes parallel
overhead communication between the processes. NOTE:
This type of cluster is only available on UNIX-alike machines (i.e.,
GNU-Linux, Mac), so Windows users
cannot use this cluster type.
— This type of cluster does not have a
shared environment, new global environments are created for each of the
child processes. So, we have to tell the master process which objects to
export to its children using the .export
option as
mentioned in the previous section, because entirely new (and empty)
environments are created for each child process.
Because of the copying and ensuing communication required for
clusters, some estimates put "FORKS"
as being roughly
40% faster than socket clusters. Again though, if you’re using
Windows, you won’t be able to leverage this forking speed bonus.
Here’s a useful bit of code that will determine the cluster type based on what operating system you’re using. I use a rendition of this code for every set of Monte Carlos that I do, as I’d like to have a FORK cluster whenever possible, and I don’t want to have to change code whenever I move to a computer with a different OS.
### Dynamically decide cluster type based on OS type
ncpus = parallel::detectCores() - 1
type = if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') 'FORK' else 'PSOCK'
cl = makeCluster(ncpus, type = type)
As the help
files indicate, .Platform$OS.type
will return
for both Linux and Mac (as Mac is
If you would like to be able to fork but are on Windows, then dual-booting a Linux OS alongside your Windows installation is a free way to do so while keeping your Windows installation intact. Its also a great way to start learning about the Linux system, as this is often the system of choice in many industrial data science positions. The purpose of this guide is not to give instruction on how to do this, but a good starting Linux distribution is Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition, which is built on top of the popular Debian-based Ubuntu. If this interests you, I suggest reading up on dual-booting Windows with Linux, and starting with either of the two distributions listed here. After some more experience with Linux, the Arch-based Manjaro KDE is great, and is in fact what I use daily. Finally note that most popular Linux distributions are like any other operating system in that they have a graphical user interface and can be completely navigated using point-and-click actions, in case you mistakenly think that using Linux implies knowing a bunch about computer science.
An alternative to dual-booting is to utilize the Windows subsystem for Linux, although this approach is command line interface (CLI)-only, meaning there is no point-and-click functionality. So unless you’re already familiar with Linux, this may be too much of a hassle.
If you’re running simulations, you probably want to be able to
reproduce them, either on your own machine at a later date, or on
another machine. However, if you’ve now implemented parallel processing
as suggested using %dopar%
, setting your seed is no
longer as straightforward as in the serial case.
For example, lets simulate some random variables using both a serial loop and parallel loop, and set the seed before hand. We’d expect that the results are the same, but this turns out to be false. First, serially:
### Serially
serial_1 = serial_2 = c()
for(i in 1:3)
serial_1[i] = rnorm(1)
for(i in 1:3)
serial_2[i] = rnorm(1)
identical(serial_1, serial_2)
## [1] TRUE
which produces two vectors of the exact same numbers, as we’d expect given the above code.
However, when we implement the “equivalent” in parallel (notice how the infix property becomes more apparent in the code below, too):
### Parallel
ncores = 3
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
parallel_1 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dopar% { rnorm(1) }
parallel_2 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dopar% { rnorm(1) }
identical(parallel_1, parallel_2)
## [1] FALSE
we end up with results which are not the same, despite setting the seed as one would typically do in the serial case. The details of why this is happening are technical and mostly unimportant; what is important is that there are some simple solutions.
The simplest solution is to use the doRNG
package. There are two ways to use the package to reproduce simulation
Method 1: Set your seed as
usual, and replace %dopar%
with %dorng%
:### set.seed and %dorng%
ncores = 3
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
parallel_1 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dorng% { rnorm(1) }
parallel_2 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dorng% { rnorm(1) }
identical(parallel_1, parallel_2)
## [1] TRUE
2. doRNG
Method 2: Set your seed using
instead, then use %dopar%
### doRNG backend, %dopar%
ncores = 3
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
parallel_1 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dopar% { rnorm(1) }
parallel_2 =
foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = c) %dopar% { rnorm(1) }
identical(parallel_1, parallel_2)
## [1] TRUE
Both approaches result in reproducible parallel loops.
A bit of a hacky alternative to doRNG
is to simply set
the seed for each iteration. Remember from earlier that the instructions
set on the right-hand side of %dopar%
are passed to each
core. Well, if every iteration passed to a core has a unique seed, then
any time we run the loops, the same results will obtain. To do this
Set an “outer” seed in the traditional way, i.e., using
outside the foreach
“inner” seeds to be used in each iteration.
The number of inner seeds is equal to the number of
simulations/iterations (i.e., the max of your iteration index). Note
that this sampling will always produce the same inner seeds, because
we’ve set our outer seed in step (1).
Set the seed within your simulation code using
, but using an indexed inner seed, where the
index is the iteration number.
To make this more clear:
ncores = 3
nsims = 10
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
set.seed(123) # Set seed in the usual way
inner_seeds = sample( # Sample nsims-many inner seeds
x = 999999,
size = nsims
parallel_1 =
foreach(i = 1:nsims,
.combine = c
) %dopar% {
set.seed(inner_seeds[i]) # Set seed for each iteration, using indexed seed
parallel_2 =
foreach(i = 1:nsims,
.combine = c
) %dopar% {
length(unique(inner_seeds)) == nsims
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
As the code length(unique(inner_seeds)) == nsims
us, this isn’t setting the same exact seed on all cores. We made a
vector of distinct seeds, inner_seeds
, and each simulation
uses one of these distinct seeds before executing its instructions. You
can think of this as setting a different seed across a bunch of
different R sessions, and then combining the results; however, the
universe of inner seeds to be used on each of these sessions remains the
same, and therefore so do the results across runs.
Now this is of course a bit hacky, and is clearly more complex than
using doRNG
, but this approach does have practical
utility. Namely, if you ever need nested parallel loops (using
the %:%
nesting operator detailed in the foreach
documentation), then unfortunately the %dorng%
is not supported. In other words, if you’d like nested, parallel loops,
you will not be able to use doRNG
to ensure
reproducibility. In this case, the only way I have found to successfully
reproduce simulations is the above, iteration-level seed-setting
Now we are running loops in parallel, and our pseudo-random numbers are reproducible as we would want. However, there is a potential lurking issue that will completely tank any simulations structured as we have here: other multi-threaded/parallel tasks competing for CPU resources. In other words, if R is trying to execute simulations in parallel while also trying to execute some other task in parallel simultaneously, often times your R-session will hang and eventually crash.
So why would anyone be doing multiple forms of parallel processing
simultaneously? The most common reason for this is when you are using
optimized BLAS/LAPACK libraries while executing linear algebra-heavy
simulations. This includes libraries like Open BLAS, Intel’s
Math Library, Apple’s
Accelerate or ATLAS
BLAS. In addition to having superior algorithms that are optimized
for your specific hardware, these libraries often times have
multi-threaded matrix operations; i.e., they do common matrix operations
in parallel, such as matrix multiplication, inversion, etc.4 Thus, if
you are using these libraries and forget to disable their inherent
multi-threading, they will compete with foreach
accessing your CPUs, which will ultimately hang your system. For
example, if your computer has 8 threads, and you tell R to give
7 of them, but MKL reserves 4 of them for matrix
operations, suddenly you’re trying to access \(7 \times 4 = 28\) threads when you only
have 8 (each of the 7 child processes will be linked to MKL, which
reserves 4 threads). The only option is to use the same thread for
multiple tasks simultaneously, but this isn’t possible so the computer
hangs. This is known as deadlock in
multi-threaded computing, with a particularly egregious case caused by
FORK bombs.
To check if your PC is running multi-threaded matrix operations, use
the RhpcBLASctl
## [1] 1
## [1] 20
If either of these results is greater than 1, then you have multithreading enabled. We won’t delve into the differences between BLAS and OMP here; suffice it so say that you want both of these at 1 for single-threaded matrix operations. IF YOU USE MICROSOFT’S R-OPEN, then you probably have MKL enabled as your BLAS/LAPACK library, and multi-threading is likely enabled by default.
Alternatively, you can check on the name of your BLAS library, which will tell you at least if its not the default library:
## $BLAS
## [1] "/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2022.1.0/lib/intel64/"
## [1] "/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2022.1.0/lib/intel64/"
but this isn’t conclusive, as it merely tells us that I’m using MKL,
not that MKL is currently set to use multiple threads. For that reason,
the RhpcBLASctl
method is probably superior.
In addition to multi-threaded matrix operations, there are other R
packages that are multi-threaded by default and will therefore compete
for CPU resources. The number one culprit here is probably data.table
However, other machine learning libraries have the option for
multithreading as well, such as caret
, and glmnet
To my knowledge neither of these last two are multithreaded by default,
so this only becomes a problem if you accidentally tell them to use more
than one CPU. In any case, if you run some simulations and notice that
your CPU usage is at zero and you know that you’re not multi-threading
for BLAS/LAPACK, then I would do a hard restart on you computer. If the
problem persists, I would check into the details of the packages you’re
using as its likely that one is multi-threaded by default.
Fortunately, it is extremely easy to solve thread competition.
package, and be sure to disable
multi-threading in your loop code as seen below, not just outside of
it:### disable in parent process
ncores = 3
nsims = 3
cl = makeCluster(ncores)
### disable in child processes
foreach(i = 1:nsims,
.packages = "RhpcBLASctl" # Dont forget to export RhpcBLASCtl pkg
) %dorng% {
blas_set_num_threads(1) # DISABLE WITHIN LOOP HERE
immediately tells us that the
function does what we want.
There are a few qualifiers worth mentioning here.
If you aren’t using matrix operations in your parallel tasks, then multi-threaded matrix operations shouldn’t cause problems in theory, because they aren’t even being attempted. However, if they aren’t happening, it also doesn’t hurt to just set the number of threads to 1. Just make sure the change it back if you want to leverage that efficiency in your R session later on.
If you aren’t using the multi-threaded R packages, perhaps it goes without saying that you don’t need to worry about them competing for resources in this way.
It is possible that some combination of matrix or package
multithreading along with parallel simulations is “optimal,” in the
sense that its faster. For example, if you have 16 threads you could
assign 5 threads to foreach
, and then have each of those
processes use 2 threads for matrix operations. You’d then have 15
threads in use, plus one for R-studio or other tasks on reserve. Perhaps
this would be faster overall than single-threaded matrix operations on
15 simulation processes. I haven’t done any testing for this, so I have
no idea whether or when this would be better. At the extreme, it could
in theory be better to use a single threaded simulation (i.e., serial
simulations), while using all cores for matrix operations. I imagine
that is an edge case, but again I cannot rule it out as I have not
investigated this extensively. In any case, I’m lazy, so I just disable
multi-threading on all packages and matrix operations, and give all my
threads to foreach
Now that we’re working in parallel without suffering thread competition and can consistently reproduce our results, the next step is to create a grid of parameters for our simulations, i.e., the points in the parameter space at which we’ll investigate the behavior of our chosen procedure. These will of course be specific to the process under study, but its worth showing a general way to go about creating this grid.
As a contrived toy example, suppose our task involves normal random variables with different means and variances. Specifically, we are interested in \(X \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu \in \{0, -1 \}, \,\,\sigma^2 \in \{1, 3\}\right)\); that is, we’ll vary the mean and variance of some random variable \(X\). Additionally, we want to investigate how sample size affects the properties of these random draws. Right now its not important why we’re doing this or what \(X\) will be used for, only that we want random variables with every pairwise combination of these parameter values.
To do so, we create vectors of these parameters, and then use
to get their pairwise combinations:
## mu sig2 n
## 1 0 1 5
## 2 -1 1 5
## 3 0 3 5
## 4 -1 3 5
## 5 0 1 10
## 6 -1 1 10
## 7 0 3 10
## 8 -1 3 10
So now we have every combination of the parameters we need for our simulations in a nice tabular format, with each row being a grid point. We can then loop over these points to generate data from our chosen process. For example (omitting the back-end setup, etc. for clarity):
out = foreach(i = 1:nrow(grid)
) %do% {
rnorm( n = grid[i, "n"],
mean = grid[i, "mu"],
sd = sqrt(grid[i, "sig2"])
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.8005543 1.1902066 -1.6895557 1.2394959 -0.1089660
## [[2]]
## [1] -1.1172420 -0.8169174 0.2805549 -2.7272706 0.6901844
## [[3]]
## [1] 0.8726288 4.3792074 0.9510634 0.4125969 -1.8167362
## [[4]]
## [1] 1.242596 0.429877 -1.096451 -2.358590 -2.270465
## [[5]]
## [1] -0.21586539 -0.33491276 -1.08569914 -0.08542326 1.07061054 -0.14539355
## [7] -1.16554485 -0.81851572 0.68493608 -0.32005642
## [[6]]
## [1] -2.3115224 -1.5996083 -1.1294107 -0.1132639 -1.1513960 -0.6702088
## [7] -4.2273228 -1.7717918 -0.7134514 -2.2205120
The main point here is that we’ve created a grid
of all unique pairwise parameter combinations, and we’ve looped over
each row of that grid
to generate our data. In
this way we’ve ensured that we simulate data from each of the desired
parameterizations, all without having to manually specify the
parameters, and without having to do any sort of nested looping,
e.g. for(i in mu){ for j in sig2 {...}}
. Although the
example here is simple in nature, hopefully you can see that any
function(s) that takes in parameters from a grid could be used
here, for example, a function to simulate datasets that we’ll
subsequently run regression models on.
Of course, we’ve only done one simulation here. That
is, at each set of parameter values, we have one iteration. But in Monte
Carlo analysis, we want some large number of simulations at each point
in order to see how our procedure behaves, so we’ll need to replicate
this grid. Suppose we want 2 simulations instead of 1, then we can use
, and
together to get a grid with each grid point
appearing twice, so that we’ll have two simulations at that point
instead of one:
nsims = 2
mu = c(0, -1)
sig2 = c(1, 3)
n = c(5, 10)
grid = expand.grid(mu = mu, sig2 = sig2, n = n)
(grid_multi =, replicate(nsims, grid, simplify=F)))
## mu sig2 n
## 1 0 1 5
## 2 -1 1 5
## 3 0 3 5
## 4 -1 3 5
## 5 0 1 10
## 6 -1 1 10
## 7 0 3 10
## 8 -1 3 10
## 9 0 1 5
## 10 -1 1 5
## 11 0 3 5
## 12 -1 3 5
## 13 0 1 10
## 14 -1 1 10
## 15 0 3 10
## 16 -1 3 10
### Loop over grid_multi instead, now
out = foreach(i = 1:nrow(grid_multi)
) %do% {
rnorm( n = grid_multi[i, "n"],
mean = grid_multi[i, "mu"],
sd = sqrt(grid_multi[i, "sig2"])
And we can now see that each grid point appears twice, so when loop
over this in the same as as we did previously, we produce results for
each parameter combination twice (we in fact loop over
in this case). Inductively then, we know that
for arbitrary values of nsims
, we’ll get
-many results for each parameter combination, which is
precisely what we want in Monte Carlo analysis. Notice finally that the
only changes to the simulation code were the calls to the
object, which are now replaced with
. We could have even overwritten
with the contents of grid_multi
, e.g.,
grid =
, and avoided changing the code at
Starting from the inside of the replication line:
is replicating the grid
dataframe nsims
-many times, and storing these replicates in
a list.
calls the
function with each element of the replicated list as its
is effectively executing \(f(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{nsims})\) where \(f()\) is
, and
each x_j
is an element of a list, returned by
. In this case, the list-elements are all the
original, single-simulation grid
object, but replicated
-many times.
One potential question is why not use a nested loop instead of
replicating each grid point nsims
-many times. That is, we
could just repeatedly loop over the original grid
rather than replicating it several times, like so (omitting the back-end
setup, etc. for clarity):
mu = c(0, -1)
sig2 = c(1, 1.5)
n = c(5, 10)
grid = expand.grid(mu = mu, sig2 = sig2, n = n)
# make number of simulations a variable for looping
nsims = 2
out = foreach(i = 1:nrow(grid)
) %do% {
res = list()
### create an inner, nested loop that repeatedly simulates from a gridpoint
### instead of replicating the gridpoint and looping over the replicates
for(j in seq_len(nsims)){
res[[j]] = rnorm( n = grid[i, "n"],
mean = grid[i, "mu"],
sd = sqrt(grid[i, "sig2"])
## [[1]]
## [[1]][[1]]
## [1] -0.86756612 -0.50118759 0.78559116 -2.10224732 -0.04220493
## [[1]][[2]]
## [1] -0.4048094 -0.1127660 1.7971404 -0.8103263 1.9009001
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## [1] -0.2910456 -0.2638052 0.3657766 -1.5762639 -1.8047323
## [[2]][[2]]
## [1] -1.5350658 -0.2084521 -1.7076072 -2.2755434 1.3754645
## [[3]]
## [[3]][[1]]
## [1] -1.3393684 0.2356918 -0.1545143 -1.7004751 0.5755103
## [[3]][[2]]
## [1] 1.176223367 -0.006296767 -1.066096861 -0.566908731 -2.340672698
The key difference here is that we create a single set of grid points
without duplication (i.e., without using replicate()
), and
then create an inner loop— for(j in seq_len(nsims))
repeatedly uses these grid points nsims
-many times. An
obvious advantage of the nested-loop approach is that it conserves
memory; the grid is not replicated, so each core only stores a copy of
the original, single-simulation grid. The memory gains are somewhat
trivial though due to how R stores lists in memory, but that is a
technical aside that I won’t delve into now (see this page for
more info).
However, the major disadvantage of the nested-loop approach
is load balancing. In most real-world applications we will be
varying the sample size of our procedure, and by much more than we are
doing so here; i.e., we’ll estimate some model at small and large sample
sizes. In doing so, the nested-loop approach becomes problematic for
load balancing purposes, because the CPUs that have the small sample
sizes will take way less time to complete their inner, nested loop
(recall, the set of instructions on the right-hand side of
are executed on a single CPU). Eventually then, the
CPUs with the large sample sizes will still be running their nested,
inner-loops while the CPUs that had the smaller sample sizes have
completed their tasks and are sitting idle doing nothing.
In most cases, the replicated-grid approach will be better, often times by several hours when compared with the parallel-outer, serial-inner approach. However, there are at least two instances where this won’t hold.
If the run-time of a single simulation is small, e.g., < 1
second, it is possible that the overhead from parallelizing at the
simulation level—rather than the grid-point level—will exceed the gains
from parallelizing. This is known as parallel slow
down. It’s possible to mitigate this by using prescheduling, but
even this won’t always fix the issue if single simulations take a very
small amount of time. Prescheduling splits the total number of tasks
into chunks (at random) and assigns these tasks to each CPU. So if you
allocate 10 CPUs, and there are 100 tasks, the computer will randomly
select 10 tasks to assign to each CPU. Without prescheduling, when a CPU
finishes a task, it will communicate with the other CPUs in the network
or the parent process and determine what tasks still need doing, and
then it does one of the ones that remains. So, by prescheduling we
reduce some of this communication overhead. There are advantages and
disadvantages to prescheduling that I won’t go into here, but a general
rule is if your tasks are numerous and require little time individually,
use prescheduling, otherwise don’t. To enable presheduling in
, do the following:
If you are doing some form of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), rather than traditional Monte Carlo analysis, the nested loop approach will generally become necessary. For things like the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and its derivatives (e.g., Metropolis, Gibbs), we are typically sampling from a full-conditional distribution that depends on some previous iteration. So parallelization here would occur at the chain-level, and within each chain we would have serial loops to sample from the full conditionals. The gridding approach would also not make as much sense anyway, as the proposal parameters are not fixed ex-ante aside from the starting values.
Technically, there is a logical way to avoid both the nested loop
approach, as well as using replicate()
. This involves
taking foreach(i = nsims * nrow(grid))
and pre-computing a
set of chunks,
chunks = seq(from = nsims, to = nrow(grid)*nsims, by = nsims)
and using some basic inequality logic,
grid_row = grid[which.max(chunks < i), ]
. This approach
is in fact substantially more memory efficient (in relative terms), but
is far less readable and understandable to others, so I’ve opted for the
approach as standard practice. It also turns
out that the memory gains end up being somewhat trivial in absolute
terms, at less than 100MB of difference.
At this point we’ve set up our environment, and are ready to start
with the actual simulations. To recap, we are using foreach
combined with %dopar%
or %dorng%
parallelism, we’ve ensured reproducability, we have handled thread
competition with other parallel processes, and now we have a grid of
parameter values at which to investigate the behavior of some procedure,
with each grid value appearing once for each simulation iteration. Now
we can make some functions that will automate the simulation and
transformation of our data.
R is an object oriented, functional programming language. We should leverage both of these facts to make our simulations easier to understand, implement, and debug. At a minimum, this will consist of having two functions:
A simulation function that creates the data to be further analyzed.
An estimation/analysis function that estimates the model(s) that we want, and tidies the results for us.
We could optionally further separate the estimation function (2) into two functions, one for estimation and the other for tidying, rather than combining these steps.
This approach to Monte Carlo analysis—having a simulation function,
and an estimation function—is one of the most important reasons why I
choose not to use the parallelized apply
family of
functions. If you’re unfamiliar with the apply
family of
functions, you can either skip this paragraph or familiarize
yourself with them. Because our data must be both simulated and then
used in estimation, the apply
family of functions requires
that there be either (i) a single function that does both of these tasks
(e.g., via nesting), or (ii) that we pre-simulate every single dataset
that will be needed for the estimation procedure, and then call the
estimation function on each of them using apply
functionality. The first approach is bad because debugging functions
becomes more nightmarish as they get more complicated, so smooshing two
functions into one is ill-advised. The second approach is unfeasible in
most interesting cases because there is usually not enough memory to
store hundreds of thousands of pre-simulated datasets. Thus, because
we’ll compartmentalize the simulation and estimation into two functions,
the foreach
approach becomes the natural one to
The goal of the simulation function is to take in one row from our parameter grid, and use those parameters to create a dataset that will eventually be transformed via estimation or some other procedure of interest. The qualities of a good simulation function are:
It takes in a vector of parameters as its first argument (not each parameter individually), so that updates to the grid don’t require updates to the parameters of the simulation function.
It takes a minimal number of additional parameters that may be used to alter the simulations, or keep track of additional information. Ideally, there would be no additional parameters, but this isn’t always possible.
It returns a dataset, ideally a data.frame
, that
will have all relevant information for carrying out whatever procedure
is under analysis, e.g., estimating some model(s).
Note that if you need to simulate from several different data generating processes, that is not an issue. Each process can be simulated from, and all data from the resulting process stored using different variable names in the same data frame. For several examples of real-world simulation functions, see the examples section.
Keeping with the toy example of simulating normal random realizations from various normal distributions, we can define a simulation function and see what it produces for a single iteration on our grid:
simulate_fn = function(grid_row){
n = grid_row[["n"]],
mean = grid_row[["mu"]],
sd = sqrt(grid_row[["sig2"]])
simulate_fn(grid_row = grid_multi[1,])
## [1] 0.4859265 -0.4719126 0.8467386 0.9257706 -0.3208306
which is a numeric vector, as we would expect. Now we can do whatever transformation of this data to obtain statistics of interest for each iteration. However, we’ll need an estimation function first.
The goal of the estimation function is to take in the data simulated
from the simulation function (simulate_fn()
, previously),
and carry out whatever procedure on that data we are interested in
analyzing via the Monte Carlo method. The properties of a good
estimation function are:
It takes in a data.frame
as its first
It takes in the same vector of parameters that the simulation function did, as its second argument. This is to keep track of the data-generating process.
It returns a data.frame
(not a matrix) of
results in long format, NOT wide that clearly label the
parameters used in the data generating process, the name of the DGP if
there are multiple, and the name/type of model/procedure used if there
are multiple.
Long formatted data is key to easy plotting later on. Yes, we could theoretically pivot the data to wide to long, but its way easier to just write the function to return the data in the format that we need it in.
To keep up the toy example, lets say now that we’re interested in the estimators of the first and second moments of a normal random variable after we’ve exponentiated it (that is, of the log-normal distribution). So we’ll need a function that takes in the data, exponentiates it, and computes these estimates. Importantly, we want to know how the various parameters under consideration impact these estimators (if at all), so we need to also keep track of the parameters that we’re using to generate the data for each iteration. One possibility is the following, where we again pass in the data-generating grid row:
simulate_fn = function(grid_row){
dat = rnorm(
n = grid_row[["n"]],
mean = grid_row[["mu"]],
sd = sqrt(grid_row[["sig2"]])
estimate_fn = function(dat, grid_row){
xbar = mean(dat)
s2 = var(dat)
out = data.frame(xbar = xbar, s2 = s2, grid_row)
So now we’ll simulate some data using simulate_fn
at a
single grid-point, grid_multi[1,]
, and return the
quantities of interest from this data using the
grid_row = grid_multi[1,]
dat = simulate_fn(grid_row = grid_row)
dat = dat,
grid_row = grid_row
## xbar s2 mu sig2 n
## 1 3.265056 23.10145 0 1 5
which gives us the sample mean and variance for a single iteration of transforming data to log-normal realizations, as well as stores the data-generating parameters for use in post-simulation analysis. Inductively, we can imagine doing this for all rows in our grid, which would give us results for all parameter combinations multiple times. We could then analyze these results graphically or otherwise. The examples section puts all of this together in a few comprehensive examples that are more realistic.
Before we dive into examples, theres just few notes worth mentioning here.
You should always:
Ensure that your computer is well ventilated, especially if it is a laptop. Running on all cores for extended periods of time will easily push a laptop into the 80C-90C range, which is the danger zone, and a tower PC with decent air cooling will still push into 60C-70C. Don’t set a laptop on carpet or a blanket; ideally, prop it up so that air intake is maximized, and maybe even point a desk fan at it to disperse heat more efficiently.
Include a call to save your data at the end of your simulations, so that the results are automatically stored upon completion. For me, this looks like the following
dt = format(Sys.time(), format = '%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M')
session = sessionInfo()
f = paste0("montes_output_", dt, ".RData")
save(simulation_output, session, file = f)
As seen in the previous code block, please store your
, particularly if you’re sharing the results
around computers, or these results will need to be replicated in the
future. The session info will keep a record of the versions of R and the
packages you used in your simulations.
Use lists and data frames, don’t use matrices and vectors. See below for an explanation.
Close your parallel backend religiously.
Save your results in long format. This makes plotting much easier
using ggplot
, and was discussed somewhat regarding estimation functions.
You should never:
Use a nested serial loop inside a parallel loop, if your serial simulations involve variable time complexities (this is the same thing as was mentioned in the parameter grids section).
Never use matrices and vectors for storing or returning your
results. First, these data structures only can store one type of data,
e.g., character, integer, etc. So if you store
c(model = "ols", beta = 1.2)
, you will in fact be storing
as a character-type, because it is coerced to
character due to model = "ols"
being character. This will
be painful, as when you plot character variables, they will be coerced
to factors, and then you’ll be left wondering why your plots look very
weird. Or even worse, you’ll make completely eronious conclusions.
Second, matrices and vectors have copy-on-modify behavior, so as you add
entries to them, a copy must be made. This is very inefficient, and will
cause your simulations to take drastically greater time depending on how
they are written. This topic is covered in more depth here in
chapter 2, and here,
but effectively, never grow matrices and vectors in a loop. Just use a
list or dataframe. Below is an example of a bad way to do things, and
its equivalent using lists:
After providing some useful helper functions, this section goes into greater detail on the appraoches discussed throughout this guide. Included with these examples are plots and their associated code, in order to demonstrate some techniques for plotting the results of Monte Carlo analyses. However, the plotting code will not be discussed at length, and will–as they say–be left to be figured out as an “exercise.”
Before diving in, I’ve wrapped up a lot of the house-keeping tasks into functions below. Namely,
if possible.
'RhpcBLASctl', 'doParallel', 'doRNG'
if necessary, as well
as any other packages specifed via the pks
parameter.This was done primarily to avoid having to retype the same information for each of the following examples. However, as these are useful utility functions to have around to source from a separate file, I’ve put them here for anyone who would like to use them.
### Setup function
setup_cl = function(seed = 123,
ncpus = (parallel::detectCores() - 1),
nframes = 1 ){
stopifnot(round(ncpus) == ncpus) # ensures ncpus is numerically integer
stopifnot(ncpus <= parallel::detectCores())
inst_load() # defined later
length(ls(foreach:::.foreachGlobals)) > 0 ||
any(grepl("sock", showConnections()[,"class"]))
warning("Cluster or socket connections are already present, closing these will be attempted.")
clear_cl(nframes = 2) # defined later
.old_blas = blas_get_num_procs()
.old_omp = omp_get_max_threads()
type = if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') 'FORK' else 'PSOCK'
cl = makeCluster(ncpus, type = type)
env = list(ncpus = ncpus, seed = seed)
n = nframes
### Clearing function
clear_cl = function(nframes=1){
out = try(eval.parent(
# From
rm(list = ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals),
cons = showConnections()
con_num = rownames(cons)[grepl("sock", cons[,"class"])]
sapply(con_num, function(x) close(getConnection(x)))
rm(list = c(".old_blas", ".old_omp"))
n = nframes), silent = T
message("Some cleanup was not necessary.")
### Installation/loading function
inst_load = function(pks = NULL
pks = c(pks,
needed = setdiff(pks, rownames(installed.packages()))
if(length(needed) > 0)
install.packages(needed, Ncpus = parallel::detectCores() - 1)
invisible(sapply(pks, library, character.only=T))
In this example I’ll use the steps outlined previously to show that two unit-root time-series that are independent of eachother will have a Type-I (a.k.a., false positive; size-\(\alpha\)) error rate well above the stated levels for traditional t-tests when these two series are regressed on eachother. This is a replication of an original paper by Granger and Newbold (1974), which effectively shows that regressing independent, unit-root series on eachother will lead to spurious inferences far more frequently than anticipated.
Mathematically, assume \(X_T\) is a unit-root time series defined by \(X_t = X_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t\) where \(\varepsilon \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0,1)\), and \(Y_T\) is similarly defined as \(Y_t = Y_{t-1} + \nu_t\). Assume that the errors are also homoskedastic, for simplicity. Then clearly \(X_T\) and \(Y_T\) are independent of eachother (but they each constitute a dependent, unit-root time series). The regression equation \(Y_t = \beta X_t + u_t\) then has ordinary least squares estimates \(\hat\beta\). Because we know that \(Y_T\) and \(X_T\) are independent of eachother, it may be natural to assume that if we carry out a test of significance for \(\hat\beta\) at a confidence level of 1-\(\alpha\) (e.g., a 1 - .05 = 95% level), then we would expect to falsely reject the null hypothesis of no relationship in \(\alpha\) proportion of cases, which is the stated size of our hypothesis test after all. However, it turns out that when regressing independent, unit-root series on eachother, the traditional critical levels used for a size-\(\alpha\) t-test of the parameters are too low, thus leading to a false rejection rate in excess of \(\alpha\), as will be shown in the simulations below.
Note that due to the simplicity of the simulation and estimation of
these models, the simulation
and estimation
functions are combined into a single function in this case,
### Install and Load the necessary packages (see `Helper Functions`)
### Define BOTH simulation and estimation in single function
sim_and_est = function(n, iter_id){
x = y = list()
x[[1]] = rnorm(1)
y[[1]] = rnorm(1)
for(i in 2:n){
x[[i]] = x[[i-1]] + rnorm(1)
y[[i]] = y[[i-1]] + rnorm(1)
y = unlist(y)
x = unlist(x)
mod = lm(y ~ x)
sumr = summary(mod)
out = data.frame(
iter_id = iter_id,
n = n,
est = sumr$coefficients[2, 1],
se = sumr$coefficients[2, 2],
r2 = sumr$adj.r.squared
### Set up grid
n = c(100, 500, 1000, 10000)
nsims = 1000
chunks = seq(from = nsims,
to = nsims * length(n),
by = nsims
### Simulate
out =
i = seq_len(length(n)*nsims),
.options.multicore = list(preschedule=T),
.maxcombine = length(n)*nsims,
.multicombine = T,
.packages = 'RhpcBLASctl'
) %dorng% {
grid_row = n[which.max(i <= chunks)]
out = sim_and_est(grid_row, i)
### Bind up the results
res =, out)
### Load in plotting/cleaning packages
### Summarize data, pivot to long
sums = res %>%
group_by(n) %>%
summarize(size = mean(abs(est/se) > qt(.975, n - 2)),
r2_avg = mean(r2),
r2_med = median(r2)) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(size, r2_avg, r2_med))
### Plot
ggplot(data = sums, aes(x = factor(name), y = value, fill = factor(n))) +
geom_col(position="dodge", alpha=.6) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .25,
end = .75,
name = "Sample Size"
) +
labs(title = expression(paste("Type I Error Rates (",
" test, two-tailed) and R-Squared in Spurious Regression")),
x = "Quantity",
y = "Value"
) +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c(expression(paste(R^2, " Avg.")),
expression(paste(R^2, " Med.")),
"Type I Rate")
) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size=13),
Glancing over the plot above, we can then see that:
These results are identical to those found by Granger and Newbold (1974), who note that when using a sample size of 100, “Using the traditional t-test at the 5% level, the null hypothesis of no relationship between the two series would be rejected (wrongly) on approximately three- quarters of all occasions” (115). For the same sample size, the false-rejection rate seen above is the same as stated by the authors.
In this example I will utlize the steps outlined previously to show that order-1 time-series autoregressive models (AR(1) models) have biased estimators of the autoregressive parameter. This can be shown theoretically, as well, but pretend for the moment that we don’t know such a closed form solution exists, or perhaps we’re too lazy to find one. The Monte Carlo method is well suited for the task.
Briefly, AR(1) models assume a data generating process of the form \[ y_t = \rho y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t \] where \(t = 1, 2, ..., T\) indexes a time period, \(|\rho| < 1\), and for the time being we’ll assume that \(\varepsilon_t \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\), although with large enough sample sizes normality is not required. Then we can estimate \(\rho\) by \[\hat\rho = \frac{\sum_t (y_t - \bar y)(y_{t-1} - \bar y)}{\sum_t (y_{t-1} - \bar y)^2}\] that is, by using its (ordinary) least squares estimator (which is also the sample autocorrelation function).
Using the Monte Carlo method, we will show that \(\mathbb{E}(\hat\rho) - \rho \neq 0\), meaning that \(\hat\rho\) is biased. In fact, we’ll determine that \(|\mathbb{E}(\hat\rho)| < |\rho|\), meaning that the AR parameter is biased towards zero.
In the below, I will simply apply what was discussed in the previous sections without further discussion. The intention here is to give example code for more complicated problems, but the principles in application are identical to those already discussed.
### Install, load default packages (see `Helper Functions`)
### Define AR(1) Simulation function, with intercept
simulation_fn = function(grid_row){
grid_row = unlist(grid_row)
rho = grid_row["p"]
y = list()
y[[1]] = rnorm(1)
for(j in 2:grid_row["n"]) {
y[[j]] = rnorm(1, mean = .5 + rho*y[[j-1]])
y = unlist(y),
lag_y = c(NA, head(unlist(y), -1)) # Base lag() function conflicts with dplyr namespace, safest to lag manually
### Define estimation function
estimation_fn = function(dat, grid_row, iter_id){
mod = lm(y ~ lag_y, data = dat)
data.frame(iter_id = iter_id,
est = coef(mod)[2],
n = grid_row[["n"]],
p = grid_row[["p"]]
### Define grid
n = c(30, 50, 100, 500, 2500)
p = c(.2, .5, .75, .95)
nsims = 1000
grid = expand.grid(n = n,
p = p
chunks = seq(from = nsims,
to = nsims * nrow(grid),
by = nsims
### Simulate
out =
i = seq_len(nrow(grid)*nsims),
.options.multicore = list(preschedule=T),
.maxcombine = nrow(grid)*nsims,
.multicombine = T,
.packages = 'RhpcBLASctl'
) %dorng% {
grid_row = grid[which.max(i <= chunks),]
dat = simulation_fn(grid_row)
return(estimation_fn(dat, grid_row, i))
### Bind up results and summarize
res =, out)
sums = res %>%
dplyr::group_by(n, p) %>%
dplyr::summarize(mean_lag = mean(est)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(bias = 100*(mean_lag/p - 1))
### Plot
ggplot(sums, aes(y = bias, x = factor(p), fill = factor(n))) +
geom_col(position="dodge", alpha = .6) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .2,
end = .8,
name = "Sample Size"
) +
scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size=13),
) +
labs(x = expression(paste("True Autoregressive Parameter (", rho, ")")),
y = "% Bias",
title = "AR(1) Models are Downward Biased")
As the plots above show, AR(1) models are indeed biased downward, with this bias abating with increasing sample size. This is particularly informative for Dickey-Fuller tests or other tests for unit roots, as some of these tests implicitly rely on the parameter estimate from an auto-regressive model. In small samples, these parameter estimates are biased downards, implying that we will fail to conclude that the data have a unit-root more frequently, i.e., these tests have low power in small samples, and will have elevated Type II error.
For a more complicated set of simulations, I investigate OLS’ performance when the outcome variable is censored, and compare it to both a Heckman 2-step procedure, and a full-information maximum likelihood estimator.
Suppose we have some continuous outcome \(y_i^*\), but instead of observing \(y_i^*\), we observe \(y_i\), defined as \[y_i = \begin{cases} y_i^* \,\, \text{if} \,\, y_i^* > 0 \\ 0 \,\,\,\,\, \text{if} \,\, y_i^* \leq 0 \end{cases} \]
That is, we observe the true value only if it is above some threshold, in this case zero. Otherwise we set \(y_i = 0\). This is one form of censoring. We could also delete the observations where we do not observe \(y_i^*\), but this would neglect the fact that we may have other information available on that observation.
Now suppose that \(y_i^* = \boldsymbol x_i \boldsymbol\beta + \varepsilon_i\), with \(\varepsilon \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)\). That is, \(y_i^*\) is normally distributed, and is a linear function of \(\boldsymbol x\) with a well-behaved error term. Given that we don’t observe \(y_i^*\), we instead observe \(y_i\), we are left to figure out how to estimate a regression model that will recover an unbiased, consistent estimate of the true quantity \(\beta\). We’ll consider three approaches here:
For the sake of brevity, I don’t go into great detail on each approach here, leaving a deeper understanding of each method ``as an exercise,” as they say. However, to get people started in the right direction, a few notes are in order.
A good resource for these items is Long (1997), Ch.7.
The Heckman 2-step procedure accounts for censoring by first estimating the probability of censoring via a probit GLM. The linear predictor from this probit model is then used to estimate the inverse Mills ratio. Finally this estimated inverse Mills ratio is used as an additional “covariate’’ in a second-stage OLS regression on the truncated data. Specifically, \(\hat y = X\beta + \hat\gamma \hat \lambda(\hat\eta)\), where \(\hat\gamma\) is the slope estimate on the inverse Mills ratio, \(\hat\lambda\) which is estimated by evaluating it at \(\hat\eta\), the linear predictor from the first-stage probit.
The FIML estimator just specifies a likelihood for the generation of both censored and uncensored data, and maximizes it in the usual way. Specifically, \[L(\beta, \sigma^2 | y, X) = \prod_{obs} \frac{1}{\sigma}\phi\left(\frac{y - X\beta}{\sigma}\right) \prod_{cens} \Phi\left(\frac{\tau - X\beta}{\sigma}\right)\] where:
From this we can see that FIML is just composed of a normal linear model’s likelihood for the observed data, and the probability of censoring for the censored data. We can then take logs and maximize the resulting log-likelihood as usual. This is done in the below code.
### Install and load necessary packages (see `Helper Functions`)
### FIML likelihood function
fiml_ll = function(parms, y, X, tau = 0){
b = head(parms, -1)
sig = tail(parms, 1)
obs = y > tau
y_obs = y[obs]
y_cen = y[!obs]
eta = as.vector(X %*% b)
eta_obs = eta[obs]
eta_cen = eta[!obs]
ll_uncens = sum(dnorm((y_obs - eta_obs)/sig, log=T) - log(sig))
ll_cens = sum(pnorm((tau - eta_cen)/sig, log.p = T))
ll = -(ll_uncens + ll_cens)
### Define custom FIML regression function
fiml_reg = function(formula, data, ...){
fr = model.frame(formula, data = data)
X = model.matrix(formula, fr)
y = model.response(fr)
starts = c(
coef(lm(y ~ X + 0)),
mod = nlm(fiml_ll, p = starts, hessian = T, X=X, y = y, ...)
se = sqrt(diag(solve(mod$hessian)))
out = = mod$estimate, se = se)
### Simulation function
simulation_fn = function(grid_row, b) {
n = grid_row[["n"]]
X = cbind(
rnorm(n, sd = 2.5)
y = rnorm(n, mean = X%*%b, sd = 1.75)
obs = as.integer(y > 0)
y[obs == 0] = 0
out =
X = X,
y = y,
obs = obs
### Estimation function
estimation_fn = function(dat, grid_row, iter, b){
n = grid_row[,"n"]
grid_row = unname(unlist(grid_row)) # to avoid naming conflicts later
# Model 1 - OLS
ols = lm(y ~ X.2, data = dat)
# Model 2 - Heckman
hecksel = suppressWarnings(
obs ~ X.2,
family = binomial(link = "probit"),
data = dat
eta = predict(hecksel)
imills = dnorm(eta)/pnorm(eta)
heck2step = lm(y ~ X.2 + imills,
data = dat,
subset = obs == 1
# Model 3 - FIML Tobit 1
out_fiml = fiml_reg(y ~ X.2, data = dat, iterlim = 5000)[1:2,]
# Proportion observed, tells how censored
prop_obs = sum(dat$obs) / nrow(dat)
# Tidy everything for clean results
out_2step = summary(heck2step)$coefficients[1:2, 1:2]
out_ols = summary(ols)$coefficients[1:2, 1:2]
colnames(out_2step) = colnames(out_ols) = colnames(out_fiml) = c("est", "se")
rownames(out_2step) = rownames(out_ols) = rownames(out_fiml) = c("b1", "b2")
model = rep(c("ols", "2step", "fiml"), each = nrow(out_2step))
out =
model = model,, out_2step, out_fiml)
rownames(out) = NULL
iter_id = iter,
param = rep(rownames(out_2step), 3),
b1 = unname(b["b1"]),
b_tru = rep(unname(b), 3),
n = n,
prop_obs = prop_obs,
} ### End Estimation function
### Set up for simulations
n = c(50, 500, 5000)
b1 = c(1, 2, 3)
nsims = 1000
grid = expand.grid(n = n,
b1 = b1
chunks = seq(from = nsims,
to = nsims*nrow(grid),
by = nsims
### Main simulations
out =
i = seq_len(nrow(grid)*nsims),
.options.multicore = list(preschedule=T),
.maxcombine = nrow(grid)*nsims,
.multicombine = T,
.packages = c('RhpcBLASctl')
) %dorng% {
grid_row = grid[which.max(i <= chunks),]
b1 = grid_row[["b1"]]
b = c(b1 = b1, b2 = -1.75)
dat = simulation_fn(grid_row, b)
estimation_fn(dat, grid_row, i, b)
### Bind up the results list into a data.frame
res =, out)
### Summarize the data for plotting
sums = res %>%
dplyr::group_by(b1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(avg_obs = round(mean(prop_obs),2),
est_c = 100*(est - b_tru)/b_tru
### Re-order brewer color palette so that green is the "best" model in plots
clrs = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[c(2,3,1)]
### Plot Intercept, showing upward bias
ggplot(sums[sums$param == "b1",], aes(x = est_c, fill = model, color = model)) +
geom_density(trim = T, alpha = .25, bw = "SJ") +
scale_fill_manual(labels = c("2-Step", "FIML", "OLS"),
values = clrs) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("2-Step", "FIML", "OLS"),
values = clrs) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = "dashed") +
facet_grid(avg_obs ~ n,
labeller = label_bquote(
rows = "Prop. Observed" == .(avg_obs),
cols = "n" == .(n)
)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-35, 150)) +
labs( x = expression(paste("% Difference (", hat(beta)-beta,")/", beta)),
y = "Kernel Density Estimate",
title = "The Intercept is Biased Upwards Under Censoring, and 2-Step is Inefficient" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
axis.text = element_text(size=13, face = "bold"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
### Plot slope, showing downward bias
ggplot(sums[sums$param == "b2",], aes(x = est_c, fill = model, color = model)) +
geom_density(trim = T, alpha = .25, bw = "SJ") +
scale_fill_manual(labels = c("2-Step", "FIML", "OLS"),
values = clrs) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("2-Step", "FIML", "OLS"),
values = clrs) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = "dashed") +
facet_grid(avg_obs ~ n,
labeller = label_bquote(
rows = "Prop. Observed" == .(avg_obs),
cols = "n" == .(n)
)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-60, 15)) +
labs( x = expression(paste("% Difference (", hat(beta)-beta,")/", beta)),
y = "Kernel Density Estimate",
title = "The Slope is Biased Downwards Under Censoring, and 2-Step is Inefficient" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
axis.text = element_text(size=13, face="bold"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
Briefly, we can make three primary conclusions from the above plots:
Finally, the Monte Carlo methods presented here are applied to the case of logistic regression, specifically to show that logistic regression coefficients are biased upwards in small samples, and to show that one solution to this is to add a penalty to the likelihood function as a correction.
For references on the subject, see Firth (1993), Rainey and McCaskey (2021), and the R-package brglm2.
If you are familiar with ridge regression or Least Angular Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression, the intuition of Firth (1993) is similar: we add a penalty to the log-loss function that is increasing in some norm of the coefficients, which causes us to push coefficients towards zero. Because logistic regression coefficients are biased upwards in small samples, pushing them a bit towards zero is what we need for unbiasedness.
### Install, load necessary packages (see `Helper Functions`)
inst_load(pks = 'brglm2')
### Define Simulation function
simulation_fn = function(grid_row){
b1 = grid_row[["b1"]]
n = grid_row[["n"]]
btrue = grid_row[["btrue"]]
X = cbind(
rexp(n, .25),
matrix(rnorm(n * 4), ncol=4)
b = c(b1, btrue, 1.75, -.25, .5, -2.33)
eta = X%*%b
y = rbinom(n, 1, plogis(eta))
dat = = y, X = X[,-1])
### Define Estimation Function
estimation_fn = function(data, grid_row, iter_id){
grid_row = unlist(grid_row)
# Model 1 - ML logit, filter out perfect prediction/non-convergence
mod_bad = tryCatch(
glm(y ~ . ,
data = dat,
warning = function(w) if(grepl("fitted probabilities || not converge", w$message)) return(NULL) else warning(w$message)
# Model 2 - PML "Firth" Logit
mod_good = glm(y ~ . ,
data = dat,
method = "brglmFit",
type = 'AS_mean',
family = binomial(link = "logit")
# Get proportion of successes in model
success = mean(dat$y)
# Get coefs
out_bad = summary(mod_bad)$coefficients[2, 1:2]
out_good = summary(mod_good)$coefficients[2, 1:2]
out = rbind(out_bad, out_good)
colnames(out) = c("est", "se")
iter_id = iter_id,
n = grid_row[["n"]],
b1 = grid_row[["b1"]],
success = success,
btrue = grid_row[["btrue"]],
model = c("ML", "PML"),
### Set up Simulations
nsims = 1000
b1 = 2:5
n = c(50, 100, 150, 200, 500)
grid = expand.grid(b1 = b1,
n = n
# True Slope coefficient (invariant)
grid$btrue = -.75
chunks = seq(from = nsims,
to = nsims*nrow(grid),
by = nsims
### Do simulations
out =
i = seq_len(nrow(grid)*nsims),
.options.multicore = list(preschedule=T),
.maxcombine = nrow(grid)*nsims,
.multicombine = T,
.packages = c('RhpcBLASctl', 'brglm2')
) %dorng% {
stopifnot(i >= 1 && i <= tail(chunks, 1))
grid_row = grid[which.max(i <= chunks),]
dat = simulation_fn(grid_row)
estimation_fn(dat, grid_row, i)
### Bind everything up
res =, out)
### Add in percent difference (est_c) and compute average success rate (affected by intercept)
res$est_c = 100*(res$est - res$btrue)/res$btrue
res = res %>%
group_by(b1) %>%
mutate(success = round(mean(success), 2)) %>%
group_by(n, b1, btrue, model) %>%
mutate(avg = mean(est_c))
### Group level summaries for bar plots
sums = res %>%
group_by(b1) %>%
mutate(success = round(mean(success), 2)) %>%
group_by(n, success, btrue, model) %>%
mutate(reject = abs(est/se) > qnorm(.975)) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(est),
power = mean(reject)) %>%
mutate(bias = 100*(avg - btrue)/btrue)
### Density Plots
ggplot(res, aes(x = est_c, fill = model, color = model)) +
geom_density(trim = T, alpha = .15, bw = "SJ") +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
facet_grid(success ~ n,
labeller = label_bquote(
rows = "Prop. Success" == .(success),
cols = "n" == .(n)
)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-100, 150)) +
geom_vline(data = res,
aes(xintercept = avg, color = model),
lty = "dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 'dotted') +
x = expression(paste("% Difference (", hat(beta)-beta,")/", beta)),
y = "Kernel Density Estimate",
title = "PML Models are Less Biased, More Efficient than ML Logit Models with small N"
) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
axis.text = element_text(size=10),
strip.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
### Barplot for Bias
ggplot(sums, aes(y = bias, x = factor(model), fill = factor(n))) +
geom_col(position="dodge", alpha = .6) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .2,
end = .8,
name = "Sample Size"
) +
labeller = label_bquote("Prop. Success" == .(success))) +
x = "Model",
y = "% Bias",
title = "PML Logit Models are Less Biased than ML Logit Models"
) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size=13, face = "bold"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
### Barplot for power
ggplot(sums, aes(y = power, x = factor(model), fill = factor(n))) +
geom_col(position="dodge", alpha = .6) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .2,
end = .8,
name = "Sample Size"
) +
labeller = label_bquote("Prop. Success" == .(success))) +
x = "Model",
y = "Power",
title = "PML Logit Models Retain Power Despite Downward Bias"
) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face="bold", size = 17),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = 13, face = "bold"),
axis.title=element_text(size = 15,face="bold"),
strip.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
Briefly describing the above plots, I vary the intercept of the data generating process in order to affect the proportion of successes and failures in the data, which affects the estimator. The average number of sucesses over all simulations for that value of the intercept is then used to label the proportion of successes in each plot.
In the density plots we can clearly see that the PML estimator has lower variance than the naive logistic model in small samples, but that this reduction abates as we get more data. It is hard to establish the bias of each estimator using the density plots, but I’ve drawn dashed vertical lines to denote the mean of each distribution. However, below the density plots we can directly see the percent bias explicitly in the bar plot. In very small samples, the PML estimator is over aggressive, so the coefficients actually end up biased downward. However, in all other cases, it is substantially less biased than the naive logistic model.
Because we are pushing the coefficients towards zero, we may be fearful that our type II error rates may go up, i.e., that the model loses power. However, because of the simultaneous reduction in variance (meaning there is no bias-variance tradeoff, as noted in the citations provided earlier), it turns out that the shrinkage of the coefficients does not result in lower power, as seen in the third plot (or second set of bar plots).
This is in fact the biased sample variance. Despite being biased, it is still weakly consistent/convergent. So as not to confuse readers, I did not delve into the biased sample variance, as it does not admit a simple “sample mean” formulation (i.e., 1/n…) without some manipulation. Note however that the unbiased sample variance also does converge in probability to the true mean, i.e., it is consistent.↩︎
Here I use a kernel-based estimator of the density function to highlight its interpretation as a sample mean. However, other estimators exist which are consistent for the population density function.↩︎
This is a simplistic sample estimator of the quantile function, used here primarily for presentation purposes. In reality, other estimators exist that are superior, and are still weakly consistent/convergent.↩︎
I’m aware that multi-threading and parallelism are not the same thing. To keep things simple I treat them as the same here, as their difference is not relevant for explaining the issue here.↩︎